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Why do I need a fall tune-up and maintenance on my heating and cooling system?

By December 30, 2017January 10th, 2024Blog

Fall is going to arrive soon and winter is not far behind. This is the time of year to think about how you are going to keep warm this winter without breaking the bank. One of the most important services you can get from an air conditioning and heating contractor is a tune-up.

Whether you have a heater that’s electric, propane, gas, or a heat pump, the tune-up can help you save energy this winter. Do this early before the cold spells hit because if you wait until after you turn the heater on, it is more vulnerable to break down. Plus, you may have to wait until there is a technician able come out to your home because of all the heating repair calls we get at that time of year.

Why Heating Systems Break Down When First Turned On

Your heating equipment has been sitting dormant for several months. It was built to be a working machine, so sitting idle is not good if the equipment is dirty and has not been maintained. By having your equipment tuned up before you actually need it you can save hundreds (yes hundreds) in unnecessary repair calls.

You don’t want to be the person who waits until the cold hits only to find that the heating equipment fails at the most crucial time. A tune up can prevent the failure of your equipment as well as catch many other problems which would otherwise result in expensive repairs.

Also having your furnace tuned up and checked before you use it can prevent things like a cracked heat exchanger. If this happens in a gas or propane furnace, it will result in carbon monoxide being pumped into your home. Also, the tune-up ensures that the gas lines and ventilation are in good shape. Unfortunately, these types of dangerous problems happen much too frequently due to furnace neglect.

If you have a heat pump or an electric furnace, a break in the electrical components to your furnace could cause a fire. During the tune-up, the HVAC contractor inspects all the electrical components and tests them. One of the most common issues in a neglected heap pump cause the compressor and reversing valve to break down. If this happens, it could destroy the most important and expensive parts of your unit.

Neglecting Tune Ups Has Led To Furnace Failure?

Whether you’ve purchased a home recently and the unit was never turned up or you’ve neglected the heating repairs yourself, you’ll have to make a decision about repairs vs. replacement.

How do you know when you repair older heating equipment and when you should replace it? This can be one of the most difficult decisions that you have to make because it always seems that the repair or replacement comes at the worst possible time.

One of the factors involved is how old the heating system is. If you haven’t had to repair it very often, you should be able to repair it and not worry about it breaking down again this season. If you’ve had to repair it numerous times, it may be worth it to replace the furnace.

Where To Find Heating Tune Ups & Repair Service In Pasco County

It is best for you to have a trusted heating technician check the system out thoroughly. If you are located in Pasco County, call Allied Air Conditioning and Heating for reliable HVAC services. We will inspect your system and give you our expert advice about repair or replacement.

Finding someone you trust isn’t always easy. One thing to look at when calling someone for heating repairs is how long the company has been around. We’ve been in the business as a company since 1985 and have worked hard at providing reliable air conditioning and heating services in Pasco County. You can’t get by with being dishonest or overcharging customers and stay in business that long. In fact, just last year in 2016 we achieved the Angie’s List Super Service Award. We would be glad to help you with heating tune-ups, repairs, and replacements.

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